Alpha Love

When I was pregnant I found a website called Alpha Mom that was amazing!  There is a pregnancy calendar that takes you week by week to see how your little one is progressing.  This was my first, so I was entranced.  I wouldn’t really read ahead; I wanted to be surprised and would look forward to reading a new post every week.

Well now that my baby is 3 months old, I have found another Alpha site!  The Alpha Parent! (I do not think they are related, however I could be wrong.) I am nursing, which, if you have tried it, is pretty grueling.  It’s a whole lifestyle change and takes a complete commitment.  Sometimes it gets hard, but I am doing it for my daughter’s benefit, as well as mine.  She has a timeline that chronicles the benefit and stats of nursing.  You can find it here.  If you are nursing or know anyone who is, I highly recommend this.  It gives you an extra push and makes you feel like you are doing the right thing, no matter how hard it can be.

Thanks to all the Alphas out there!