

Bumble is officially over 6 lbs!

She weighed 5lbs 14oz at birth, and went down to 5lbs 4oz by the time we left the hospital.  My milk had just come in, so when we went to the pediatrician the next day, she weighed in at 5lbs 6oz.  Our next appointment was a week later, and she was 5lbs. 9oz.  The pediatrician was not entirely happy with that weight, and we talked about breastfeeding and she asked us to come back in a few days later for a weight check.  The next check was 5lbs. 12oz.  Better!

That was this past Monday.  Today is Saturday.  Upon weighing her every few days, I noticed she wasn’t gaining, even though I was breastfeeding as the doctor said to.  So I went to good ol’ Google and did some research.  After days of basically non stop feeding, I tiptoed into the bathroom this morning to weigh her.  (Bobby does not like me being obsessed about weighing her.  Also, I feel it’s important to mention that I am using our bathroom scale.  This isn’t a smart move usually, but I know that it lines up with the pediatrician because I weighed her before our visit last time and both came out the same.)

Sometimes I have premonitions.  At least, I like to think I do.  🙂  When I was on my way to the bathroom, I thought of 6.2 for some reason.  When I weighed her, guess what the number was?  That’s right – 6.2lbs!  I looked up the conversion and that comes out to 6lbs. 3oz.  Once again…Woohoo!!

My advice to anyone trying to breastfeed is don’t give up!  And educate yourself.  Once I learned about what was probably going on with our situation, I took steps to remedy.  It hasn’t been long enough to say it has made a difference, but I think it has just going by the weight gain.  There are so many resources on the web, at the hospital, or even people that you know.  Pick their brains, try things out.  It’s so worth it!

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